Quality Management

Quality Management

Our aim is to increase patients and stuff safety and satisfaction by ensuring the implementation of the quality management system within the institution, to make continuous quality improvements a corporate culture and to present it to our patients in accordance with quality dialysis standards and international health standards.
In our institution, quality studies are carried out by the "Quality Management Unit" with the support of management department and clinical quality officers, in line with the Ministry of Health Quality Standards-Dialysis.

1. Corporate Services
» Corporate Structure
» Quality management
» Document Management
» Risk management
» Unwanted Event Notification System
» Emergency and Disaster Management
» Education Management
» Social responsibility

2. Patient and Employee Oriented Services
» Patient Experience
» Healthy Working Life

3. Health Services
» Patient care
» Medication Management
» Prevention of Infections
» Laboratory Services

4. Support Services
» Facility Management
» Hospitality Services
» Material and Device Management
» Medical Record and Archive Services
» Waste Management
» Outsourcing

5. Indicator Management
» Monitoring Indicators
» Quality Indicators

Our Quality Meetings
Quality meetings are held periodically throughout the year with the participation of Clinical Quality Officers, Quality Management Director, Clinical Director, Nursing Services Coordinator and Financial Affairs Officer.

Unwanted Event Notification System

In our Dialysis Centers;
» To ensure reporting undesirable events that may threaten the patients and stuff safety, that are about to occur, or that do not occur at the last moment (near miss).
» Watch these events.
» As a result of the incident notifications, the Undesirable Incident Notification System has been established to ensure that the necessary measures are taken against these incidents.

Physical Area Controls
» In our institution; Building tours are carried out at regular intervals in order to create continuous, safe and easily accessible clinical physical conditions and technical infrastructure for patients, their relatives and stuff.
The team formed by the dialysis management has been defined in such a way as to ensure the effectiveness, continuity and systematicity of the studies carried out in the dialysis center, taking into account the size of the dialysis centers.
» During the building tours, the physical condition and operational problems in our dialysis centers are detected and necessary improvements are made.

Self-Assessment Process
Within the scope Health Quality Standards (SKS-Dialysis), self-assessment (internal audit) is carried out once a year in our dialysis centers.
» Self-assessment team consists of the Clinical Director, Human Resources Officer, Financial and Administrative Affairs Manager, Nursing Services Coordinator, Patient Services Officer, Quality Management Director and Assistant, and Clinical Quality Representative.
» Self-evaluation (internal audit) is done once per year.
» The self-evaluation plan is prepared in a way to cover all the sections in the Health Quality Standards-Dialysis.
» Before the self-assessment (internal audit), all dialysis centers are informed via e-mail about the audit schedule and plan.

Note: While preparing the text above, the Health Quality Standards-Dialysis Set prepared by the Health Quality and Accreditation Department was used.


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Update Date 23.07.2024
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